Tariffs, Trade, Financial Controls and Remediation Planning

ATCP Members Only Complementary Roundtable Discussion

The international trade community is on high alert regarding the pending new Trump Tariffs that are pending which when enacted will result in tariff increases on imported goods into the commerce of the United States.

The tariffs are anticipated to be imposed as an increase to various existing tariff structures inclusive of the China 301 tax structure, and possibly universal tax targeted for broad based countries of origin resulting in an increase to landed costs for US importers of record. The pending tariffs represent a need for preparation and not panic.

Companies who have global procurement practices embedded in their companies business profiles have reacted over the past 30 days with increased shipment orders to hedge the imposition of the pending new tariff increases. Many others are tasked with business decisions targeted to protect the financial interest of their organizations.

The Association of Trade Compliance Professionals (ATCP) understands the challenges of global trade during many supply chain occurrences and the importance of informed decisions to manage financial risks to the company bottom line. Challenges to landed costs require due diligence, review and professional expertise to address the elevated risks involved with the pending new tariffs as we as a nation move through trade wars, re-negotiation of USMCA agreements, universal tax implementation as changes to the current and legacy financial trade responsibilities of the US importer of record.

ATCP promotes the implementation of Classification, Valuation and Origin (CVO) review and internal assessment to ensure that your companies are utilizing existing regulatory practices with the realization of revenue recovery methodologies regarding proper HTSUS classification, valuation determination and country of origin determinations to protect your company’s financial risk in your current and future business practices.

It is not sufficient in 2025 to simply be comfortable about your corporate commitment to compliance. The energy and effort of financial risk management must now include a dedicated effort verify and validate that all options available to your company as an importer of record is maximized to benefit and protect your financial interest forward as increased tariffs compromise legacy profit margins. ATCP realizes that this is not a broad-based decision and requires company specific reviews that often include proprietary pricing, sourcing and procurement practices. General and public information forums may not be the most productive platform for information transfer.

ATCP, through our virtual compliance platform, offers company specific information one hour round table discussions on this topic on a complementary basis for trade professionals, senior management and financial principal parties for ATCP active members.

To set up your complementary round table discussion to explore options to mitigate and management potential tariff increases effect on your company bottom line, phone 908 313-7605 to schedule your ATCP virtual round table discussion or click the button below to contact us online.